What would a vaulting squad be without a whole lot of team love and harmony? It might be the most important part of our sport, since everything we do together on the horseback wouldn’t work without trust. Especially if new vaulters joined your team it’s a good idea to build an equally strong bond with the new squad to vault as harmonious as before. Here are 5 ideas on how to get a really close bond and build up trust in each other:

> Cook and eat together!

Is there anything more connecting than the love for food? Cooking together helps you to work as a team and it guarantees lots of funny moments!

> Watch vaulting competitions together!

I doesn’t matter whether you watch a livestream or even visit a competition and see your idols live right in front of you, it’s always a great experience! Seeing other vaulters might inspire you and encourage you to be more ambitious as a team.

> Have a big sleepover!

Eat lots of unhealthy food, watch a movie, stay awake and talk until it’s two in the morning. You will get to know each other much better and always remember: the best ideas come at night. It could help you to find your new freestyle theme!

> Do fun activities together!

Maybe visit a trampoline park, an escape room or some amusement park together. You might overcome some of your fears together and this will be a huge trust boost! Going swimming together is always a great idea as well, it’s a good opportunity to try new, difficult exercises safely in the water before you do it on the horse.

> Take care of your vaulting horse together!

Of course we can’t forget our most important team member: our horse! Spend much time with it, caress it, pamper it and do everything your horse loves. You will have a much stronger bond with your vaulting horse very soon!

Those were just 5 ideas, but there are plenty more! What do you do with your squad? How do you build up trust and harmony? Let us know!