Luca Short developed a specific handstand program for Vaulting World to help you improve and control your handstand, step by step. So let’s start with some exercises on the ground!

> Who is Luca Short?

Photo: Lyda Bravo

Luca is a vaulter from Colombia, he’s also currently a Vaulting Coach, a Crossfit Gymnastics Coach, a Personal Trainer and a Handstand Balancer.

As a vaulter we had the pleasure to meet him during a stay in Madrid some years ago and we are still friends today!

So with all his experience, who could design better this program, right? If you follow him on Instagram you’ll probably get jealous of his balance and strength!

Photo: Lyda Bravo

But everyone started from scratch, didn’t they? We were curious to know Luca’s tips to improve your handstand, from any level. The only thing you need is a bit of motivation!

> Luca’s Handstand Program

  • The program is divided into 2 parts, one to master the basics, the second one is to master handstanding.
  • We will publish a video every 2 weeks, which you can repeat as much as needed and improve until taking the challenge of the next video!
  • Share you training sessions and improvements with us using the hashtag #VWHandstand on Instagram!


The first part includes exercises to improve your body alignment, which is basic for a good and balanced handstand.

Video 2: Techniques on the ground

Make sure to activate the subtitles of the video for the descriptions of each exercise!

Make sure to activate the subtitles of the video for the descriptions of each exercise!

0:15 Tuck into handstand without holding – knees bent

For this exercice, you need to tuck into handstand without holding the position. To do it correctly, try to get your hips over your shoulders, and to be as tucked as possible with your knee aiming your chest.

0:29 Tuck into handstand & hold – knees bent

Once you can manage the right position, you can try to hold it for 10 seconds.

0:43 Tuck into handstand without holding – legs straight

Here you can jump from the floor to the tucked handstand, but as a straight handstand this time: once you are in the tucked position, you can straighten your legs.

1:01 Tuck into handstand & hold – legs straight

Be careful with your hips and shoulders: the hips goes inside (retroversion) and the shoulders have to push up. Try to hold as much as possible.

1:16 Tuck into handstand without holding – legs open

Jump from the floor to a handstand with an open legs position without holding it. Keep your legs tight!

1:33 Tuck into handstand & hold – legs open

You can try to hold this one now.

1:47 Tuck into handstand over side split without holding

In this exercice, you have to jump into handstand from the ground, with open legs as seen before, and then get into the line handstand.

2:08 Tuck into handstand over side split & hold

Then try the same exercise and hold the position once you are in the line handstand.

2:25 Pike handstand without holding

This exercice is raising a bit the difficulty, as you have to jump into handstand with streched legs, until your legs are parallel to the ground.

2:40 Pike handstand & hold

To be able to hold this position correctly, be careful not to arch your back: the alignment of your hips, shoulders and wrists needs to be straight. It is also a very good exercice to improve your mount!

2:50 Pike to straight handstand without holding

Instead of staying parallel to the ground, this time your legs can continue the movement to get a line handstand.

3:07 Pike to straight handstand and hold

Last exercice of this video, now you should be able to hold the line handstand, passing by the pike position!

> What’s next?

This is only the second video of many more coming! Here you can see the whole program and organise your trainings:


Video 1: Body Alignment & Conditioning

Video 2: Techniques on the ground

Video 3: Using a wall and other helps


Video 4: Introducing movements

Video 5: Starting from the ground

Don’t forget to mention our hashtag #VWHandstand and
follow our YouTube Channel to stay tuned! >