Winter is (hopefully) coming to its end, but nevertheless, we remembered 5 stunning themes inspired by winter and ice. Although it seems to be a theme, which has been used quite often, it is pretty easy to be creative and differentiate yourself, so don’t miss the opportunity to check out these icy freestyles:
> Manon Noel‘s freestyle in 2016 was pure elegance: The icy catsuit made by Syleo creation was magnificent, the hairstyle was also very original and Manon chose the song “Ice Girl” from a talented French artist: Emilie Simon who signed the original sound track of the documentary March of the Penguins.

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> Anna Cavallaro, the Italian champion, chose the Disney movie Anastasia for her freestyle 2016, which is related to the legend of the Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna of Russia, called “Anya” in the movie.
Photo: VoltigierserviceWatch the video Jetzt entdecken!.
> Joanne Eccles & Hannah Eccles won the bronze medal at the World Equestrian Games 2014 in France with a beautiful PDD with a simple but well interpreted theme about Fire & Ice.
The music is from the song of Ludovico Einaudi “Nightbook” and the voice is reading a poem from Robert Frost:
Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.
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> The vaulting team of RuFv Husberg, Germany, showed an icy freestyle at a local event 2014. The costumes of the Showteam Husberg have many frosty details that make the theme more than clear.

> The freestyle theme of Team Metelen 1, Germany, in 2010 was “ice flowers” or something similar. They sewed the costumes themselves, including many sparkling and flowery details.

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Can you remember any other icy freestyles? Let us know!
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