Team Noroc has recently announced some changes in their composition with new flyers and a lot of new ideas, too, as always. We are excited to share with you what we discovered about this brand new team!
Can you introduce each of the new members of the squad?

- Vinciane Noyaret Franqueville, 8 years old. She started vaulting at Écuries du Cercle d’Or (Maud Bousignac’s club).
- Romane Louisa, 11 years old. She also started vaulting with Maud Bousignac.
- Dorian Terrier, 19 years old. Dorian is originally from Club Hippique de Meaux.
- Ruben Delaunay, 18 years old. Ruben used to be a vaulter from Écuries du Petit Dan in Normandy (fun fact: it’s also where Sophie started!)

For older members of Team Noroc: How would you describe the evolution of Noroc since you are part of it?
Manon, 23 years old, is in the Team since September 2015:
“I would say that the team evolved over time regarding the composition because we there have been new members every year, which allows the squad and our projects to exist. I would also say that, since we started hosting clinics, it has helped us to open up, to meet other clubs and develop vaulting even more. The clinics have another benefits for us: every team member has now the coach’s eye and this is great to correct yourself. I think we try to renew ourselves each year both in our freestyle composition and in our technique composition, which allows us not to stagnate. I am very proud of the evolution of this powerful team especially since my role within Noroc has become more and more important over the years.
Quentin, 17 years old, team member since September 2018:
“I would describe our evolution as constant, both sportingly and friendly. The team flourishes with some important and serious sport goals which takes a lot of time but we do what we like and it’s pleasant to be together during trainings to share our passion and get prepared for the same objective: the world championships.”
Further members of the team:
- Théo, 19 years old, team member since 2017
- Noély, 19 years old, team member since 2017
- Jacques, 31 years old, founder of Team Noroc (created in October 2014)
How do you imagine Team Noroc in 10 years?
Jacques: “The Companie Noroc will evolve according to the people who will run it and carry the project, through the education we provide with shows and competitions.“
What would you like to accomplish personally in the next years?
Jacques: “I would like to continue sharing my experience through coaching (artistic, technical …) all over the world, and evolve as an international judge. I hope to be able to take part in the evolution of the rules and the format of vaulting events.“
How are you going to make a decision for the final composition of the squad as you are 9 vaulters?
We will make sure that everyone gets involved over the season (CVI’s and national competitions). The composition will be decided according to the progress of each vaulter and of course with the ambition to form the most performing team possible, technically and mentally. Performance is important but it works only if the team cohesion works and if the right mindset is there at the right time. In the end, the idea is to build the best team possible. The opinion of Davy Delaire, the French national coach will also determine the final composition of the team.
What is your freestyle theme this year?
We are sinking in the middle of a storm on a raft. The universe we got inspired about is the expedition of La Pérouse: it is an expedition “of discovery” ordered in 1785 by Jean-François de La Pérouse, and under the impulse of the king of France Louis XVI. The aim of the journey was to carry out an exploration of the Pacific ocean in the line of James Cook or even to circumnavigate the globe. The expedition’s ships, La Boussole and L’Astrolabe, ran aground at Vanikoro, which put an end to the expedition in 1788. Survivors temporarily settled there before disappearing.
Each of us has a character to play such as Gaia, The Shipwrecked, or The Sailor for example and we have a scenario to follow: the sea is calm at the very beginning, then the sea moves, engages, then rumbles and we are in the storm. The last part of the freestyle is about the calm after the storm, when we are looking for the shore to dock our raft.

Who makes your catsuits? How do you decide about the result you want?
We have a new outfit designer this year who is located in La Roche sur Yon, and who previously made the outfits of Estelle Chauvet and Jordan Gauvrit. We contacted her explaining our project and what we expected. Then we did a lot of research around our theme and each of our characters in order to get as close as possible to what we want to convey. To get the result we want, we meet all together and draw our own outfits. We guide ourselves with several fashion pictures, movies, fabrics, or other ideas that allow us to give an idea to our designer and then we work together to get the expected result. Our former designers were Gersende Lhommeau and Louise Roques.
Can you explain how you work on your music?
Henry Benoît will be creating our music for compulsories and entrance for this year. But this year our freestyle music will be from another composer called Nico Cartosio.
What is a typical training week like for you?
A typical week for us looks like this:
Horse training with Sushi and Irkos at the “pôle France”
- ground & barrel work & Movie
- physical preparation
Gym session for vaulters who are not at school in the morning
Horse training in the evening with First de la Née ENE HN and Sebastien Langlois at the “pôle France”
- ground & barrel work & Movie
- physical preparation
Horse training with Sushi at the “pôle France”
- ground & barrel work & Movie
- physical preparation
Artistic training (dance, expression, freestyle)
Horse training with Irkos at the “pôle France”
- ground & barrel work & Movie
- physical preparation
Gym session

What is your main goal for this season 2020?
Our objective is of course the FEI Vaulting World Championship for Seniors in Flyinge, Sweden, like many other teams but our first objective was first of all to rebuild a strong group of vaulters again, in order to allow the new members to progress, and the oldest to be more autonomous.
Of course we are preparing for this championship but I think that our objective is above all to reach the maximum that we can achieve thanks to the relentlessness that we put in it all year long. We also would like to leave a trace, a legacy of our artistic way in the vaulting history because telling a story is important to us, and so is keeping this artistic and innovative image that we have. In the end, to give pleasure to the audience is a goal too for us: artistically and technically.
With this Team 4.0, what will be your strenghts and weaknesses?
Weaknesses: possibly the compulsories because our two flyers started high level trainings only in September 2019. They therefore have an intensive year to catch up the best they can the expected level.
Strengths: the sum of experiences of each individual vaulters since the start of the project.
How Does Maud (your lunger) work with Sushi to get him prepared for the team?
Maud rides Sushi 4 times a week. Once a week she works on natural horsemanship and twice a week we train in vaulting. Maud is supported by Sebastien Langlois who gives her a lot of advice about riding and lunging.

What would you like to change in the vaulting world and why?
We do not have the pretension or will to change things in the vaulting world. However we are in perpetual search of technical and artistic innovation.
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